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OneCare 24-7

Community Nursing and Supports

Our values

  • To give equal oportunity to all
  • To perform Care in a gracious and considerate manner
  • To strive for Consistent Quality and Patient Centred Care

Benefits & perks

Contractor Entitlements -Claim your expenses pre taxation

Staff Contracted to work for OneCare 24-7 benefit with personal tax incentives.
As a contractor you will be able to claim expenses and costs associated with your employment before being taxed.
Wish to know more?
We are happy to provide you with assistance during your employment to make sure you get the most out of your earnings

Support and Training

OneCare 24-7 is dedicated to an evolving social and training platform which offers you the support of your peers and managers at any time of the day.
 Attend learning modules and educationat your own convenience 
Access all of the policies and procedures at your convenience.
Resource all you need to support your clients care.
Working for OneCare 24-7 gives you access to patient Data, Administration and Clinical Support in Real Time.

Integrated Client Management System

Our System allows you to communicate within your care team and directly with your client without compromising  your personal information.
Your Visits are scheduled electronically with travel times and documention all fully electronic. No more wasted paper, expenses, tracking your travel or looking for addresses and phne numbers. 
We value your home time as much as you do!!!!